Tuesday, 30 March 2010

A baby for your birthday.

Baby Sister Somers Guansing made her Daddy wait all day for his birthday pressie to arrive. She was born at home at 11.58pm( just in time to share her Daddy's birthday). She is smaller than I expected weighing 2.94kg and is 50cm long. We are doing well and are a very happy family.

More details of our day to follow.


Taking a bath with baby cousin Geva at Lola Jo's House on saturday.

Friday, 26 March 2010

Art Shed

Today started as a beautiful sunny spring day. We stopped on our way to 'Painting' in the art shed at Kate Greenaway to admire the beautiful carpet of daffodils in the park.

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Indefinite leave to remain in the UK.

39 weeks.

Today we reached the 39 week mark! Baby sister is running out of room and is less riggly but kicks out with her cramped little legs and you can see her little feet shapes pressing against my belly.
We have had a rather quiet week, lots of sleeps and stories. We are all just waiting now. Still no inspiration for a name. Maybe she will join the growing list of nameless babies around at the moment. Maybe when we meet her we will be able to decide other wise we can do what Margo and Jonathan have done and each picked a name, register her and then take turns trying each name out for a month to see which works best. Next month Baby James becomes Baby Patrick.


Painting. Miri your birthday pressie is still in the bottom of our buggy. I keep forgetting to stop at the post office on our travels and Alfie is no good at reminding me of these things, but it does look beautiful now.

Sunday, 21 March 2010


Inspired by watching Country File on BBC tonight Alfie wanted to play 'tiny farm'.

We had a antenatal appointment at the birthing center today. My bloods were lost last week and they wanted me to go in on Friday to have them re-taken to check on my antibody count.(The research study we are in has indicated that this baby is rhesus positive.) My lovely midwife Alison suggested we come into the birthing center today so she could do them and my 38 week check at the same time. Baby Sister has dropped down ready and so now we just wait. Being there has reassured me I have made the right decision about a home birth.

Saturday, 20 March 2010

'Daddy doesn't work on weekends!'

It's the weekend. Alf and Daddy let Mumma have a sleep in. After lunch we went out to run a few errands. Then we went to the library and when we came home we all had a big sleep. Now Daddy is cooking us a saturday feast.

Baby Feet

It is getting late and as I sit here at the computer Baby Sister has a serious case of the hicups. She is running out of room and I think she is getting alittle uncomfortable too as she has stopped being such a riggly baby and has settled down in the last week. Tonight I saw a little outline of her little tiny foot as she push against my tummy and followed its little shape with my hand as she streached her little legs. It wont be long now until we get to meet her.

Friday, 19 March 2010

Friday @ Culpepper.

This morning we went to dig in our plot with our friends Margo and Johnny and Katie and Fen. We found some tiny little frogs or maybe toads and lots of worms, Johnny loved the digging.
Alfie and Fen quickly lost intrest and went off to play trains on the log and go exploring...
and hunting for treasure.
After a picnic lunch in the tea hut we headed to the park for some fun on the round about.

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Culpepper Garden and our new plot!

After our big long sleep we were feeling much better so headed out to Culpepper Garden to do some painting, have cups of tea and vegemite crackers and check out our new plot we will share with Margo, Johnny and Baby James.
There were frogs in the pond.

This is our plot.
Our flower.

The hill beside our plot is great for adventures, we will bring the diggers down to do some excavating.

Can't catch me!

Here is a little monkey who didn't want his clothes on yesterday morning. Most unlike my cheeky monkey who normally hates not having any clothes on (just like his Daddy).

All out of sorts.

Our Boy is all out of sorts today. He just not himself. He has a little cold with a nasty cough and just wants a cuddle. He didn't even want to go to singing. He ALWAYS wants to go to singing.

Breakfast of Tiger Toast, toast with stripes of 'mite'(vegemite) and honey 'yoglet'.
We played we our car garage (a recent charity shop find, which Alf just loves) and the Tiny Baby Sister that Aunty Tina gave us at christmas time. Then went off to bed to read stories and have a big sleep, Mumma wasn't planing to have a big long sleep too but she did.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Happy Mothers Day.

On Friday we went off to Coram's Field to celebrate World Women's Day.(I came home with a tiger). We made a beautiful bunch of mothers day flowers for all our Lola's and we took these photos for Granma Binny and Narla.

Yesterday was the 50 year's of Kate Greenaway Nursery, we went along to sing with Harriette and to meet the Gruffilo(now known as the buffalo). Alf was not too keen on him to start with but did want his picture taken with Johnny and the 'Buffalo' just before we left.

Today our little beast woke up with the snuffles and we have had a quiet day. We took turns in napping. Sorted a huge pile of washing and collected all the towels and blankets ready for the big day.

We spent some of the afternoon painting.