Friday, 20 August 2010

Goodbye dear friends we will miss you.

Yesterday we met Johnny, Margo and James for our last park picnic.
Today Johnny came to play while the moving truck picked up their London life and took it away to Ramsgate.

We had lots of fun and ate all the left overs from their fridge for lunch.

We will miss you guys.

Annie Rosie Cute Face!

Wednesday, 18 August 2010


Wash Wednesday... wash the nappies, dry the nappies, fold the nappies, wash the nappies, dry the nappies, fold the nappies, wash the nappies.....
Annie Poonannie has been through so many nappies today and she is such a wriggly beast the nappy nippy thingy is useless, we have reverted to good old pins.
We spent the day indoors today. Annie has a funny tummy I think. She had a screaming day. Alpha and I did lots of drawing and playing with buses.
LOVE Alphas first drawing that looks like something. I think it was an accident. Annie Rose was talking to Mr Giraffe on the floor. I said to Alpha 'hey look who you have just drawn! It looks like Mr Giraffe he just needs some legs!' so he drew me some.

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

'Annie is a bit sick and sad about her 'jections Mumma'

I have been nursing the Littlest Beast from hours now. I took her for her 12 week immunisations...(yes I know she is 20 weeks old already.. I have a good excuse. I forgot.)
The nurse was quick and kind and it was too traumatic for any one. She told me not to worry about forgetting. She said 'you didn't forget, you're here.' That made me feel it was less of a Mumma Fail. Alfie sang his crying sisters a 'don't cry, it's alright' song. He loves his little sister, he has been kind to her all afternoon because 'she is a bit sick and sad about her 'jections Mumma'. Around 3 her temp started creeping up and she started to get a bit grumpy. By 4 I couldn't put her down. She has been in my arms ever since. Right now she is sprawled across my lap. There is something so beautiful about watching a baby sleep, especially when they are sick. Her pink cheeks and the little sucking movements of her bottom lip fill up my heart in a way I can't describe in words. I love this baby.

Monday, 16 August 2010

Our last lazy monday with some very special people.

Today we met Johnny, James and Margo in the park for a play and a scoot before coming back here for lunch. The boys had a great time while the Babiest Beasts slept. It was a little sad because by next monday they will be out making lovely new friend in their new park around the corner from their lovely new home in Ramsgate. We are very excited for them and their adventures but they will be deeply missed here in London. I didn't think to take any pictures today..why?? I don't know, to busy sorting out squabbles over cars and animals I guess.

Margo and Johnny came into our lives almost 2 years ago at a group I had join in an attempt to make some Mumma friends. Mum and Dad had just left after almost a year with us in our little flat, Tina was in love and commuting back and forth to Belgium and Rosie and Miri were just about to go home. I was feeling a bit daunted by the idea of being a Mumma all on my own with out my family or any friends who had kids. I had been going to play groups but had not met many like minded parents. Most of the people I had met were the 'precious' parent type if you know what I mean and I am more of the 'free range baby' type. Then along came Margo and Johnny and we instantly became friends. We have all been besties ever since. Margo's love, support and friendship has helped me through more than one dark day. Margo, Jonathan and their two boys have been living in a tiny one bedroom flat (see Margo's blog about the move They are about to move into a lovely two bedroom house with room for her two beautiful boys to grow (although if you have seen James recently you will know he seems to be growing just fine where he is). We are excited by the idea of train trips out of the city to see our friends and seaside holidays.
We send you off with all our love and we are really happy for you all. We will have to have skype dates on the rainy days and crazy days and we will miss you everyday. We will be down to see you as soon as you are settled and have scouted out the best bits.

The Gruffalo Baby and the Cow Boy.

Mr Grumpy and Little Miss Happy Nappy.

Sunday, 15 August 2010

Sunshine after the rain

We are all feeling all little bit blah this weekend. Not really sick but not really well. Yesterday it rained all day but at 5pm the sun poked out from behind the clouds so Alpha, Annie Rose and I went out to play in the puddles in the park.

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Dinner with cousins

From the summer archives..

Friday, 13 August 2010

Thursday, 12 August 2010

the day of... well nothing really.

Blogging again after bed time.
Today was a grey day and we all slept late. Alfie didn't wake until 9.30, usually he is up just after 7. While we were eating our breakfast of yummy-yummy-oats-in-my-tummy-oats (this is the official title) and apple cheese (grated apple) Rosie, Miri and Granma Binny called us on skype. This was very exciting and we showed them everything from our breakfast to the bump on little Annies head and her Harry Potter style bruise. More about that later. We were still in our pjarmmies at 12.30pm when Daddy got up, he is home sick and broken today. He has done himself a knee injury although he can't think how. He just woke up in pain on Tuesday morning (and no we didn't do anything to injure him in the night, there are 4 in the bed these days). Today he has a fever. He has slept most of the day. We ate some lunch, still in our pjarmmies, and headed for a nap. We all slept until about 4 when Daddy and Alfie got up and curled up on the sofa together to watch the Car's movie.. again. It is their favorite 'Daddy and Alfie together' activity. Annie and I slept until 5. Got up. Scrounged up some leftovers for dinner. Got dressed and headed off the supermarket to buy milk. Came home. Made cups of tea and lemonade. Bathed the kids, changed their jarmmies and sent them back to bed with their Daddy. Since then I have washed up all the days dishes, cleared up the kitchen, responded to the demands of first the Biggest Little Beast and then the Smaller one and the husband. Scrubbed the nappies, unloaded and loaded the washing machine, taken off two loads and hung up another and I still have the folding and putting away to do before bed and again it is midnight.

That was my day... how was yours?

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

We have been sick again...

My Alpha boy is sick again. Poor little Beast has had a temperature since Sunday evening. He is sleepy and grumpy and just wants cuddles. We have read lots of stories in bed. Listened to talking books and watched Charlie and Lola over and over on BBC iplayer. Thought he was getting better today but he has a temperature of 38.2'c again tonight.

Annie Rose is her happy little self. She is growing fast and is on the move. She is rolling from front to back and back again and shuffeling herself along.

Friday, 6 August 2010

A year ago...

This time last year my baby was sick... poor hot sick baby. Temp of 39.c for days, lots of tears and endless hours of sleeping. It might have been swine flu.. he took the anti-viral drugs and he got better. I was just a few weeks pregnant then. Oh how life changes in just a year. He is not my baby any more.

Play group

Sand play... we love sand play... maybe a deep yearning for the beach? Always takes his shoes off to feel the sand between his toes.

Littlest One has a little chat to herself.

Little hands and purple dough.

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Thank God for beautiful friends.

Watching the rain with our friend Johnny.Thank you to our beautiful friends for being there on the hard days.