Blogging again after bed time.
Today was a grey day and we all slept late. Alfie didn't wake until 9.30, usually he is up just after 7. While we were eating our breakfast of yummy-yummy-oats-in-my-tummy-oats (this is the official title) and apple cheese (grated apple) Rosie, Miri and Granma Binny called us on skype. This was very exciting and we showed them everything from our breakfast to the bump on little Annies head and her Harry Potter style bruise. More about that later. We were still in our pjarmmies at 12.30pm when Daddy got up, he is home sick and broken today. He has done himself a knee injury although he can't think how. He just woke up in pain on Tuesday morning (and no we didn't do anything to injure him in the night, there are 4 in the bed these days). Today he has a fever. He has slept most of the day. We ate some lunch, still in our pjarmmies, and headed for a nap. We all slept until about 4 when Daddy and Alfie got up and curled up on the sofa together to watch the Car's movie.. again. It is their favorite 'Daddy and Alfie together' activity. Annie and I slept until 5. Got up. Scrounged up some leftovers for dinner. Got dressed and headed off the supermarket to buy milk. Came home. Made cups of tea and lemonade. Bathed the kids, changed their jarmmies and sent them back to bed with their Daddy. Since then I have washed up all the days dishes, cleared up the kitchen, responded to the demands of first the Biggest Little Beast and then the Smaller one and the husband. Scrubbed the nappies, unloaded and loaded the washing machine, taken off two loads and hung up another and I still have the folding and putting away to do before bed and again it is midnight.
That was my day... how was yours?
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