Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Diving back in.

Diving back into blog land. It has been awhile. Life has been busy and so much and so little has changed all at the same time. It is the start of a new season and the beginning of a new adventure...
We are flexi schooling. Alfie will do 3 and a half days a week at our local school and the rest of the time we will home school.  I am hoping to get the balance of this one right for all of us and you can come along for the ride.


  1. Yay! I just checked your blog on a whim this morning - so good to see you update! Keep going :) Would love to hear more about your flexi schooling as I really want to home school my girls.

    1. thanks Rachel
      I am finding collecting my thoughts and writiting them down at night after children are asleep are a challange but I will update from time to time.
